The MEC Poker Open from 4 April till 7 April is a wrap! With 509 entries it was a great succes. Only 93 players made it to day 2. They came back on the Final day of the main-event.
Watch the drama unfold at the final day with the video down below.
At sunday the 7th of April 93 player came back to challenge eachother for a first price of €14.565. With the previous champion, Danny op ‘t Hof, still in the field there still was a possibility to have a back-to-back champion.
With everybody already in the money, the bubble play already happened. The first player to bust on day 2 was Franky van der Stichel (93th). He could only enjoy day 2 for 7 minutes and was closely followed by Sven Heinen (92th) and Roan Wassenaar (91th). The first Belgium pokerplayer to bust was Joachim Landerloos at 79th place. Just before the first payjump of the day Anaël Vanorshoven got eliminated at 73th place. They all took €247,- with them.
With commentators Roy van Boven and Tom Slikboer in the commentary booth, the stream was live just before the main-event started. Tom is known as the organisator of the APAT and has a lot of knowhow about poker. With the chat on Twitch in active we introduced the #brendaupdate. Brenda Fritz is a well known female pokerplayer in the community and was closely followed by friends on the stream. She was quitte short the whole time, but doubled up several times. Unfortunately she busted at 27th place and took €472 with her. When she busted the next payjump was a fact.
Just before the final table we lost Arij van der Lee, the chipleader of Day 1A, at 19th place for €577,-. Kristy Jonkergrouw, who was 2nd in chips after Day 1A also didn’t make it to the final table. She got eliminated at 41th place for €382,-. The only German player left, Stefan Bittger, who was challenging Ruurd Nauta at day 1C a few times got eliminated at 31th place for €472,-.
The bubble boy of the final table was Michel van der Klundert who finished at 10th place for €982,-.
The first player to leave the final table was Enrico Zondag, who got all-in three times just before reaching the final table and lost a big pot with KK vs JJ. He was one of the shorter stack at the finale table and couldn’t get any help. He got eliminated at 9th place for €1.161,-
At 8th place we saw Marc Hannesse, who had the best upswing at the final table, eliminated for €1.386. He was closely followed by Marinus van den Akker at 7th place for €1.649,-.
The Dutch player Mario Schep, who would get his first Hendon Mob cash, saw his dream come to an end at 6th place for €1.948,-.
The 5 remaining players didn’t fancy to bust very soon. It took a long time before Jeffrey Jol got eliminated. He finished at 5th place for €2.323. Not a bad day for Jeffrey Jol.
With 4 players they were trying to make a deal. The deal didn’t come through so they were still playing for the first price of €14.565,-. After 45 minutes it was the Belgian player Michael Altena who got knocked out at 4th place for €3.185,-.
The remaining 3 players were talking about a deal again and this time they approved their pay-out. They made a deal ICM-wise and were playing for the throphy. The blind levels were changed to 10 minutes.
The first one to bust was Joris Dirks. He was the last Dutch pokerplayer in the main-event. He busted at 3th place for €8.478,-. The heads-up was between two Belgian players named Tim Verheyen ($123.128 live earnings) and Kristof de Clercq (no hendonmob cashes). For Kristof this will be his first live cash and it could be a win!
It was Kristof de Clercq who won the heads-up! His first live cash and it was the victory at the MEC Poker Open!
Top 3:
Seatdraw and pay outs of the MEC Poker Open Main Event april 2019.
93 players come back at day 2 of the Main Event that starts at 12.00. Players will be playing for a first prize of €14.565,-
Day 1C started at 13:00 in Casino de Spa. Players could register around 12:00 and when the tournament started all places were book. Luckily most players could get a seat on the alternate list. At the end of the day there were 305 entries and 58 players made it to day 2.
Before the MEC Poker Open started we already know that day 1C was by far the busiest day. Just before 4 April all online tickets were sold out. During the event players from 1C wanted to play day 1B instead and that made it possible for players to register for day 1C at saturday. Even then there was an alternate list of around 50 people wich included we had to open an extra table to make sure most of the people could play the Main-Event.
One of the players who played day 1C was Ruurd Nauta. Yesterday he busted just before the end of the day and today he had some bad luck. Just before the dinnerbreak he got All-in with AT against AK on a AT2 flop and was in pretty good shape to take the chiplead of the day. The K on the river decided otherwise and Ruurd got eliminated. His opponent Patrick de Brock took the chipleader because of that hand. Luckily for Ruurd he could re-entry just before the late registration was closed.
Trifon Pappas, a Belgian Player with a good reputation with several APAT tournaments winnings in Namur and Spa, tried to qualify for day 2. His first bullet wasn’t a succes and he had to re-entry the tournament. Eventually he didn’t make it to day 2 and got eliminated at 61th place.
The first player to bust was Erwin Langedijk, he played for only 27 minutes before he busted the main-event. He did a re-entry, but busted just before the dinnerbreak. The Dutch owner of OneTime, Armijn Meijer, was seen at day 1C. Before the start of the tournament he placed a message in the MEC Poker Open community that he was exciting to player live poker again. Unfortunately he got eliminated at 249th place.
Chipcounts dinnerbreak:
228/304 entries
Average: 33.333
Blinds: 250/500 Patrick de Brock – 92.000
Bram Berkvens – 91.000
Danny Nijland – 88.000
Noel Maesen – 87.500
Remco van Erp – 85.000
Niels Kasbergen – 83.000
Adam Salamov – 82.000
Joachim Landerloos – 77.000
Francis Duprez – 73.000
Bram Kuijpers – 64.000
Cliff Dijkstra – 62.000
The Open Dutch Championship Poker winner Guy van Ginderen got eliminated just before the end of the day. He got eliminated at 70th place. The Dutch player Emile Cox, who has won 2 APAT Main-Events, was one of the main players to watch. Just after Guy van Ginderen he had to leave the playing field too.
#1 Netherlands Marschall Randy 406.000
#2 Netherlands Berkvens Bram 365.000
#3 Belgium Timsonet Sandrine 340.500
#4 Netherlands Zondag Enrico 325.000
#5 Belgium Defauwes Christophe 290.500
#6 Netherlands Salamov Adam 279.000
#7 Belgium Passenier Timmy 271.500
#8 Belgium Coorevits Amaury 259.500
#9 Netherlands Giezen Martijn 235.000
#10 Belgium Theys Yannick 231.500
#11 Netherlands van Schalm Robert 224.000
#12 Netherlands Olierook Melvin 205.000
#13 Netherlands van Veenendaal Nick 191.500
#14 Netherlands Wansink Wesley 184.500
#15 Netherlands Appelman Hendrik 178.000
#16 Netherlands op ‘t Hof Cornelis 162.000
#17 Belgium De Clercq Kristof 161.000
#18 Netherlands Jansen Manfred 156.000
#19 Netherlands Jol Jeffrey 137.500
#20 Netherlands Mertens Eric 136.000
#21 Netherlands Kasbergen Niels 135.000
#22 Netherlands Koehoorn Danny 135.000
#23 Netherlands Schep Mario 134.500
#24 Netherlands Mooijen Angelo 134.000
#25 Belgium Boniver Christian 131.500
#26 Netherlands Cohen Pascal 125.000
#27 Netherlands van Erp Remco 123.500
#28 Netherlands van de Klundert Michel 116.500
#29 Netherlands Briels Ray 111.500
#30 Netherlands van der Loo Marc 107.000
#31 Belgium Vernaillen Robby 107.000
#32 Netherlands Michiels Roy 106.000
#33 Netherlands Knoppert Laurens 101.000
#34 Netherlands Wals Marcel 92.500
#35 Netherlands Dirks Joris 91.500
#36 Netherlands Tsang Chaki 91.500
#37 Netherlands de Brock Patrick 90.000
#38 Belgium Altena Michael 86.000
#39 Netherlands Silvester Steven 77.000
#40 Netherlands van der Schief Jan 72.500
#41 Netherlands Tjew Iwan 65.500
#42 Netherlands Dijkstra Lennart 61.500
#43 Netherlands Weerensteijn Martin 57.000
#44 Netherlands Lakerveld Daniel 56.500
#45 Netherlands Heinen Sven 44.000
#46 Netherlands van Ewijk Joris 43.000
#47 Netherlands Woudstra Ronald 41.500
#48 Netherlands Berben Paulus 39.500
#49 Netherlands Smulders Remi 37.000
#50 Belgium Landerloos Joachim 36.500
#51 Netherlands MEIJER MAURICE 34.000
#52 Netherlands Willart Richard 33.000
#53 Netherlands Kuijpers Bram 32.000
#54 Netherlands Kemme Walt 31.500
#55 Netherlands den Beer Joey 25.500
#56 Netherlands van der Stichel Franky 23.000
#57 Netherlands van Oers Rober 19.000
#58 Netherlands Ernens Xander 13.000
The second day of the MEC Poker Open started at 13:00 the 5th of April. With 80 online entries day 1B already broke the total entries of day 1A. At the end of the day there were 138 entries and 25 players made it to day 2.
Yesterday we saw a lot of Belgian players playing the first day of the main-event. On day 1B most of the players were from Holland. The first player to bust was Nick Stack after only playing for 18 minutes. He chose to re-entry the tournament, but couldn’t make it to day 2 at the end.
Danny op ‘t Hof, the winner of the first ever MEC Poker Open, had decided to play 1B to defend his title. He had to hand over his challenge cup to the organization and received a brand new cup that he can keep. If he wins the MEC Poker Open three times, he can keep the challenge cup. He busted right before the dinnerbreak but made a last minute re-entry.
Danny was soon followed by Ruurd Nauta, who’s the teamcaptain of the Dutch Open Poker Championship team and had a very good run at the end of last year with 3 final tables in a row where he won over €30.000. He was the man to watch from the Dutch players.
Stéphane Lomzik started the day table 6. Stéphane is familiair with playing tournaments in Spa and Namur and is a regular in the Belgian pokerscene.
Chipleader Marco Hermans 140.000
Johan Huisman 110.000
Thijmen Westeneng 82.000
Oebele van der Werf 72.000
Ruurd Nauta 47.000
Stephane Lomzik 34.000
Not long after the dinnerbreak Johan Huisman got eliminated and couldn’t re-entry. We hope to see him tomorrow at day 1C. Stephane Lomzik couldn’t make it to day 2 either. He got eliminated at 56th place.
Ruurd Nauta had over 140.000 chips, but lost a big hand against his German opponent. With only 2 levels to play he busted at 30th place. Other players who got eliminated just before the end of day 1B were Alwin van Dalen (28th), Kai Bongers (34th), and Corné Ruitenschild who finished as runner-up in the €35,- side event.
#1 Netherlands Bakker Richard 310.000
#2 Germany Steinmann Philipp 287.500
#3 Netherlands Donze Aron 261.000
#4 Netherlands Herman Marco 233.000
#5 Netherlands Joosen Joris 212.500
#6 Netherlands Westeneng Thijmen 170.000
#7 Netherlands van den Akker Marinus 148.500
#8 Netherlands van den Hoogen Erwin 144.000
#9 Belgium Robert Nicolas-Joseph 143.500
#10 Netherlands Breeuwsma Hessel 120.500
#11 Netherlands Huiberts Paul 115.500
#12 Netherlands Engelen Jordy 115.000
#13 Belgium Hannesse Marc 113.500
#14 Netherlands Mauritz Dion 108.500
#15 Netherlands Spruit Frank 102.000
#16 Netherlands Fritz Brenda 95.000
#17 Netherlands Partapsing Bidjai 93.500
#18 Netherlands DONZE ESTHER 89.000
#19 Netherlands van Benthem Jan 82.500
#20 Netherlands Vooijs Peter 80.500
#21 Netherlands De Kindt Arne 79.500
#22 Netherlands Simon Marco 75.000
#23 Netherlands Knoors Marcel 65.500
#24 Netherlands van der Werf Oebele 40.000
#25 Netherlands Wassenaar Roan 28.000
Dear players,
We have extra tickets available for Day 1C of the MEC Poker Open!
A couple of players have transferred their tickets from day 1C to 1B, which resulted in extra available tickets for 1C. We also made some extra tables available for day 1C tomorrow. This means that you still can register for day 1C.
We also expect to seat about 50 alternates tomorrow.
Are you considering to play 1C? Don’t hesitate and make sure you are here tomorrow at 12.00 to register for the event.
Tickets sales and alternate listing for day 1C of the Main Event starts at 12.00
Dont forget to share this message with your friends.
Beste Spelers,
We hebben extra tickets beschikbaar voor dag 1C van de MEC Poker Open!
Een aantal spelers hebben hun ticket van dag 1C naar 1B om laten zetten. Hierdoor hebben we een aantal extra plaatsen vrij voor dag 1C. Daarnaast hebben we extra tafels beschikbaar gemaakt voor morgen. Dit betekent dat je je nog steeds kunt registreren voor 1C.
Ook verwachten we morgen ongeveer 50 alternates (spelers op de wachtlijst) te kunnen seaten. Overweeg jij om morgen nog mee te doen aan dag 1C van het MEC Poker Open Main Event? Twijfel niet en zorg dat je morgen om 12.00 uur in het casino bent om je te registreren voor het toernooi.
De online ticketverkoop is gesloten. Je kunt je morgen vanaf 12.00 inschrijven voor het toernooi en de alternatelijst.
The second edition of the MEC Poker Open will take place at 4 – 7 April in Spa, Belgium. The firs edition was a great succes with almost 600 entries and is nominated for the Belgian Poker Event of the year! Danny op ‘t Hof was crowned as the champion and is keen to succeed his succes from last year.
The upcoming edition has some big changes. The main-event is now 4 days long instead of the previous 3 days. That means that you can enter the tournament on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Day 2 will be held at Sunday.
The buy-in for the main-event is €175,- and there are several side-events during The MEC Poker Open. Fancy a tournament with a higher buy-in? No problem! We’re introducing the High-Roller with a buy-in of €440,-. Besides the high-roller there are several tournaments under the €100,- including a new unlimited re-entry tournament of €35,- .
We are giving you a free ticket for the MEC Poker Open satellite that will be held on the 31st March. Depost 25$ of more on Bwin with the code: MECPOKEROPEN and receive a free ticket of $11 for the MEC Poker Open satellite.
Last week we announced our partnership with Bwin. The new partnership with bwin will include online promotions, online events and satellites to future stops for bwin customers.
April marks the start of bwin poker’s first ever collaboration with this new poker tour, giving poker enthusiast from across the Belgian region lots to celebrate this year.
The new partnership gets going from 4th -7th April at the next stop in Spa, Belgium. The final day will have a livestream you can find on the bwin poker website.
On the 31st March players can qualify for the MEC Poker Open main-event on Bwin. There is sattelite tournament in the poker lobby with a buy-in of $11 with 3 seats guarenteed!
If you already have bought your main-event ticket, you can also choose to play the satellite! If you win a ticket in the satellite, you get your original buy-in back!
The final day of the MEC Poker Open will have a live streamed TV table. This means that you can follow all the action live! The stream will be live on Twitch and will be hosted on several websites.
The live stream of the final day will have two commentators. The first commentator is Tom Slikboer. Tom is a well known personality in the Belgian poker scené. He founded the APAT Belgium a couple of years ago. Currently he has a supporting function at a local pokerclub in Belgium, called Double Up.
The second commentator is Roy van Boven. Poker is one of Roy his biggest hobbies. His nickname is “raging reporter” and this reveals that he is an experienced reporter. He says it’s a good thing he’s taking place in the commentary booth, because talking about poker suits him better than actually playing it.
We can’t wait for the MEC Poker Open to start and are very excited to make it an event can remember for years. With the livestream and partnership with Bwin we expect to make this event even better and bigger than last years edition and hope to see you next week in Spa!
Today Bwin and MEC Pokerevents announced cooperation in sponsorship for the MEC Poker Open events which are held in Casino de Spa, Belgium.
The MEC Poker Open is a poker tour based in Belgium and is aimed at (semi)- recreational poker players who prefer to play a high quality, low buy in casino tournaments. This ensures that a great poker experience is guaranteed for all players.
The new partnership with bwin will include online promotions, online events and satellites to future stops for bwin customers.
April marks the start of bwin poker’s first ever collaboration with this new poker tour, giving poker enthusiast from across the Belgian region lots to celebrate this year.
The first MEC Poker Open event held in October 2018 sold out in record time, which caught the attention of bwin poker.
Every MEC Poker Open event features exciting tournaments, bounty events, and cash games, with an emphasis on having fun and enjoying poker in one of the oldest casino ambiances of Europe.
The new partnership gets going from 4th -7th April at the next stop in Spa, Belgium. The final day will have a livestream you can find on the bwin poker website.
bwin players will be able to start competing in online satellites starting from 31st March with a direct seat only qualifier, 3 seats guaranteed and $11 buy-in.
Players will also find online qualifiers for future MEC Poker Open stops exclusively on bwin.
Robin van den Heuvel, bwin poker’s marketing manager said:
“Our new collaboration with the MEC Poker Open is a unique one and a recognition of how successful we believe the MEC Poker Open events will be. MEC poker Open complements our already strong live offering supported by Party Poker Live. Offering a slightly lower buy-in tier will be welcomed by our players for either the fun experience, or as an early exposure to the world of live poker.”
Mathijs Jonkers, founder MEC Poker Open said:
“Partnering up with Bwin marks a new chapter for MEC Poker Open and promises many extras that our players will enjoy for sure. With the MEC Poker Open, we hope to give the players a great poker event in a good and player friendly atmosphere. We are proud and excited to collaborate with one of the most recognised and trusted brands within the industry.”
On the 13th of April the Belgian Poker Awards will take place at Casino de Spa. A jury of 30th famous Belgian people who are working in the Poker world have nominated the MEC Poker Open for the best Event that took place in 2018!
The fact that so many people joined the first edition of the MEC Poker Open has been such a good feeling for everyone working during the MEC Poker Open and behind the scenes that we want to build on that succes. The fact that we are nominated for the best event makes us even want to work harder and is such a great honour.
If you want to vote for us to win the award for Best Poker Event you can vote at the Facebookpage of the Belgian Poker Awards (button below).
The next MEC Poker Open will take place from 4 till 7 April in Casino de Spa. You can still buy a ticket for (hopefully) the best poker event in Belgium!
In just two weeks the second edition of the MEC Poker Open will be held at Casino de Spa. Today the organisation announces there will be a live streamed TV table during the final day of the MEC Poker Open.
The first edition of the MEC Poker Open was a great succes. With over 580 entries in the Main Event and side event that were totally packed, the organisation decided the second edition of the MEC Poker Open has one more starting day. The first starting day is 4th of april. 1B and 1C will follow on 5 and 6 april. The final, day 2, will be held at sunday 7 april.
The final day of the MEC Poker Open will have a live streamed TV table. This means that you can follow all the action live! The stream will be live on Twitch and will be hosted on several websites.
The live stream of the final day will have two commentators. The first commentator is Tom Slikboer. Tom is a well known personality in the Belgian poker scené. He founded the APAT Belgium a couple of years ago. Currently he has a supporting function at a local pokerclub in Belgium, called Double Up.
The second commentator is Roy van Boven. Poker is one of Roy his biggest hobbies. His nickname is “raging reporter” and this reveals that he is an experienced reporter. He says it’s a good thing he’s taking place in the commentary booth, because talking about poker suits him better than actually playing it.
The exact channel and url where you can find the live stream will be announced in the next days. Join the MEC Poker Open Community to stay informed.